4G network on Moon !

Nasa has aimed to deploy the first 4G network on Moon, in collaboration with Nokia which has been world's number 1 Mobile and tech compny. Now as NASA has selected Nokia to build the first cellular network on the moon, Nokia has been awarded by the NASA of the US $14.1 million to deploy the network on the moon.
NASA said in its contract that "The system would be able to support lunar surface communications from far distances, increased communication speeds and provide more reliability than current standards." 

Nokia also mentioned that the network on moon would be using 4G LTE, later on they will think about deploying 5G network on moon. This step that has been taken will help the astronauts by exchanging their information to each other using voice communication, video communication, and also biometric and telemetric data exchange. It is also added that this network will help in deployment of lunar rovers, other robotic devices and control it.

Source- Google
It will be a partnership with a texas-based space craft company which is a private company and design and modify space carft, this company will manufacture machines in order to deliver the required equipments and devices to the moon on their lunar lander. The network will be configured itself automatically and establish the 4G LTE  networks and communications system on moon, later on it will be switch to 5G.

NASA also aims to send humand to the Moon again by 2024 under its Artemis Programme, this will a long-term mission.

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-Aman Patel
